Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Nasa rover

Robots are often used to perform tasks that are too dangerous for humans. NASA’s Mars robots are a good example. The robots, Rover (pictured above) and Spirit, have been exploring the surface of Mars for years, undertaking a number of scientific experiments and sending back photographs and data.

Military robot

Robots are now being used for military missions
Police and security forces around the world use bomb disposal robots to safely destroy bombs or suspicious packages. Bomb disposal robots are often small and highly manoeuvrable so that they can access bombs in locations that are difficult to access. They are equipped with manipulators, tools and cameras, all controlled by a remote operator. They also usually have a gun which can be may be used to either trigger the bomb or disable it. Here is something to think about: although we call them bomb disposal robots, are they really robots? What is the definition of a robot?